Wave 3 and Sun fitting on a 7.6m galvanised street light pole, Wave 3 on a 7.6m MH galvanised steel pole and Wave 4 on a 3.5m 150mm diameter pole.
The piazza design had to negotiate and respond to the different levels of the land as it rises and falls across the southern slope of the Braamfontein ridge. Favoured walking routes were observed and accommodated. The piazza is conceived as a circle turning around the cross of the former intersection, framed by planters with sittable edges, from which straight paved lines continue the axes of the streets. The slope of the land allowed a cascade of water in a formal channelled feature along the Ameshoff axis. The piazza is both a route to the theatre, and a destination in itself. The Tower Urban light element was used in this area.
The public park south of the theatre was redesigned, again taking account of established pedestrian desire routes between Braamfontein, the Civic Theatre and the Civic Centre. The theatre’s porte cochère marks the park’s central axis from where a series of green terraces step down the fall of the land. Another cascading axial watercourse terminates in an outdoor stage echoing the interior focus of the theatre. The earth is banked gently along the paths and accompanying benches, and berms offer some protection against the traffic noise surrounding the site, creating a tranquil place to pause in or pass through. Existing mature trees were retained, and new indigenous species were added, creating avenues and shade. The Wave 1 complete with 3m MH 76mm diameter pole and the Discovery direct 300mm lid plinth mounted was used providing only reflected light to paths.